Microcurrent Clinical Case Reports and Protocols
THE LONG PTSD by a USMC Aviator 2007
The Three 'Go-Go' Combat Stress Protocols 2014
Microcurrent Clinical Case Reports 2006-2015
Ziva's hip,wound, cord
Bromine Detox, Fluoride Detox,
Surgeon's Proof, Road Trauma,
Stop Bleeding, Chronic Pain
Battle Protocols package- MEND
Bill Krissoff, MD, FCS, CDR/MC/USN OIF vet
Beef industry prevents toughness with microcurrent blast
The Original Long PTSD Protocol (2007)
was developed by Dr. Barbara Harris
working with a US Marine Combat
Aviator from Viet Nam who was the
first ever Marine aviator to qualify in
both fixed wing and rotor. When they
were finished he wanted to know IF she had treated him for PTSD. Yes! Then he said that "it was the best he'd ever felt". And he thought every marine squadron needed to have a microcurrent unit. Our aviator has crossed over now, but his courage stays with us here.
In the last few years (2011-2015) Dr .Harris and I have augmented her original long protocol with body tissues like the muscles, n. locus coeruleus, stellate ganglion, lymphocytes, right atrial conduction system, posterior pituitary all of which we have since learned are affected in PTSD. We have also found two new 'A' channel conditions; 991 (1-4 minutes -positive) to "remove traumatic microtubules from the cell membranes" and 702 (1-4 minutes -positive) to "restore normal healthy cell line function and structure". I suggest that you use 991+ in the front end of the protocols to replace or augent 94. Near the back end of the protocol after 11, 970,and 40, but before 81 run 702+. A muscle testing colleague stated that 702 tests out consistently better than vitality-49 in most of her patients.
I use these long A&B&Cprotocols on what I call "latent" (cell tubules in the resting position) PTSD, when patients are NOT actively 'freaking out'. However the best clearing results are obtained when you first activate the muscle memory fear driven tubules (felt as brawny muscle edema) and use MASERs tap/chant Drill while playing PTSD A&B&C on 3 units. After the PTSD A & B & C finish with the Concuzzion Go-GO. Then make them walk backwards, you can steer them so they do not fall, in a figure of eight pattern while thier cerebellum "resets".
I am not always doing the MASERs drill during all of the follow-up sessions. Perhaps you should be tap/chanting everytime on some issue. It is very important to clear as much pain as possible. It is common to be running 4-6 MEND/ InspirStar units during the 2-4 hour session depending on the warriors tolerance. They will have a fatique detox from clearing out all their inflammmation. Have them keep a dream log and chart both the duration of the fatique and the pain free time.
I prefer to run PTSD A&B for 4-6 sessions in the 'trauma patient' while I am treating other physical issues. Dr. Upledger taught us to always treat problem 'issues in the tissues' for "six" sessions to be able to clear 16% of the trauma during each treatment ( remove it in layers).
I use the MUSCLE Go-Go set (3) with MASERs when working with a real flash-back combat 'Go-Go'. I know that I will be able to feel the brawny edema clear away fast, less than 60 minutes! I know that they will respond with a fatigue detox reaction for 1-3 days.
PTSD A (78") to run with PTSD B (77") and PTSD C (71") on 3 units.
MASERs & Microcurrent
to the rescue- the 'Go-Go'
Apply three MEND Technology/InspirStar units wrist negative to wrist positive. All these protocols are set at 400 uA. During a real 'Go-Go' 400uA should be needed, if not, you can 'step down' to the Sub-Buzz level as you start up each protocol. If you only have one unit start with the muscle, then betrayal and then concuzzion. Start your MASERs Drill. Ask your team to help with tapping. As the 'Doc' you are in control of this procedure. Once you have learned the MASER muscle drill, it is smooth and easy to do, and gives the warrior rapid relief without drugging or hurting his body. You should use his team mates to help you facilitate the process. 'Doc', watch the way my body moves when it is in the tapping cadence.
Advanced Tactical Paramedic Protocols Handbook 9th Edition
Reference: page 99 of the Journal of Special Operations Medicine/2016 ATP-P Handbook.
By following the directions as they are written the
"Go-Go" behaviors are merely supressed
with medications and medivaced away.
This is NOT a treatment of the cause of 'PTSD".
It is merely a 'punt', not a cure.
Proposed Revised Management:
This suggested treatment should be started after :
JSOM/Behavorial Changes/TMEP/p99 Management:
*6. For flashback triggered behavior (non- violent, no weapons) begin MASER meridian treatment, backed up with starting either the Muscle Go-Go, Betrayal Go-Go and Concussion Go-Go protocols on the MEND microcurrent units*1 or try the BAUD binaural acoustic device*2 .Continue the energy stimulation units and meridian tapping for 60 minutes. Provide hydration during this time. The medic does the MASERS while the team mates tap on warrior's panic points.
*7. If combative behavior is presenting, restrain patient with at least four soldiers and, if ordered, give diazepam (valium) 10 mg I.M. Continue the MASER 7 cadence tapping drill even after he falls asleep. Each soldier on the arms should be tapping on the outer fist (panic point or Karate Chop point which slows down the heart rate.) You are treating his muscle cells memory signaling microtubules -the source of the behavior, energetically. This 60 minutes application of frequencies will cut off the memory signaling and end this event.
8. If sedated or restrained monitor with a pulse-oximeter and maintain constant vigilance for a change in the hemodynamic status or loss of airway reflexes. And run the MENT protocols as if he were awake as the frequencies still work on the tissue cell memory tubules.
*1] FTM/MEND Technology or InspirStar treatment unit ‘Go-Go’ protocols for the muscles, emotions and shock-concussion (each runs simultaneously for 60 minutes). The leads are attached to each wrist (or the ankle and the neck).
*2] BAUD- binaural acoustic device uses ear phones from www.mybaud.com @ $479. Running during trauma treatment time to eliminate the trauma memory (30+minutes).