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  In 1980 a local Army hospital MSC officer read an Army's report that all of the Army POWs from Viet Nam who had  returned home through that hospital had comitted suicide.
     She had had no idea the magnitude of the problem!



press #1- for all military:

 active duty and veterans

press #2- Espanol

 'THE BRASS' Report (from 2007-2012): Military suicide rates continue to be high despite active reporting by newspapers, and 'fix-it' attempts by military investigative councils (first the Army and then the Navy-NICoE).
    One million dollars was sent to the NIH by Gen Chiarelli in 2009 to fund more programs to stop suicide.They funded more billets and started 'Hot lines'.
[1-800-273-8255  for Vets press #1]
  And then in 2010 the rate went up even higher!
 Suicide rates still exceed combat death rates.
At his retirement in 2012 he warned; "‘Wow, we have got a problem here'!  It is going to still need pushing.” 
29 DEC 2015 New York Times report on Marine suicides: Suicide Claims 14th Marine From a Unit Battered by Loss   by DAVE PHILIPPS    
                                   (See full article for details.) 
    He quotes from the 19 September 2015 article, In Unit Stalked by Suicide, Veterans Try to Save One Another, "The suicide rate for the 1,200 Marines (from the 2/7 in 2008) who deployed together — most now out of the military — is nearly four times as high as for young male veterans as a whole and 14 times as high as that for all Americans."
     "After a New York Times report in September (see above) about the suicides underscored shortcomings in the government’s ability to monitor and treat mental health problems among veterans, members of Congress called for the military and the Department of Veterans Affairs to address the issue. But those efforts have remained halting and incomplete, critics say." reports Dave Philipps, New York Times.
 Can't someone get the message that 'military suicide
prevention programs' have not be working for a long time?
The real question is 'who is going to step up and really fix the suicide problem and how are they to do it?'
   **I believe that you OIF and OEF veterans will have to lead the fight for the solution of all of our veterans unmet health care needs including suicide!** Dr. Tracey Gaudet, VA's alternative medicine chair.
    Also, I believe that it is the responsibility of trained special operations medical operatives to rescue and re-store the resiliancy of all combatants by removing their traumatic cell memory, removing the elephant from their backs at last.  Who better? You are all manually 'gifted'!
   [The suicide issue happens to be close to my heart after I experienced 3 medical student - resident suicides during my time as staff gynecologist teaching at M.L. King Hospital, LA, CA in the out patient surgery unit and colposcopy clinic. As I taught 'psychology and sexuality education' for the department, I felt very guilty that "I" had missed that resident's depressive symptoms completely. There is also a failed sucide attempt in my family. At that time (1990s) I looked for solutions to find only SSRI medications and referral to psychiatry. This I taught to the medical students, residents and nursing staff (1990s).
   Now more research is finding more answers and hope.

 A simple auditory treatment for clinical suicide!!

Hearing Equals Behavior by Guy Berard, MD, updated, 2011

     A French Ear Nose and Throat surgeon (ENT) noted a distinct 2-8 curve on the left ear graph in his routine audiograms taken from his patients. He found it to be related to the presence of suicide and depression in his patients' history. By treating with 20 audio sessions twice daily for 10 days he was able to remove most 2-8 curves and the suicidal feelings. Sometimes after a second or third audio sessions he was able to completely remove the curve and the suicidal feelings. (page 48-54) More studies are needed. This is a simple biological marker for suicide.

 In the States treatment sites are available, usually for childhood autism (see His personal site is He died in 2014.

             See the video on Berard AIT program below.

                                   PROTOCOL - JSP3 copied right
The Soldiers' Project
"Just Because You're Suicidal
   Doesn't Mean You're Crazy:

      The Psychobiology of Suicide"
  ' Why do people kill themselves? Randi Jensen answers the question by bringing us a fascinating view of suicide from the inside. Describing twenty-four years of suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts, she tells us how suicidal thought develops over time through endorphin-driven neural pathways.
    It’s like sitting with the author having a heartfelt conversation. She compels us to turn each page to learn more, to experience more, while garnering more hope at each turn.
    What do suicidal thoughts really mean and where do they come from? How do you stop them? Why do suicidal people think they are crazy? And how can I help someone who is suicidal? Here you can learn how to keep yourself alive and learn how to keep someone else alive. Just follow the Jensen Suicide Prevention Peer Protocol, the JSP3©, outlined in this book. 

     A must read for clinicians, family and friends. A fascinating and illustrative view of suicide from the inside. After 24 years struggling with her own suicidality the author gives us an insightful explanation of how suicidal thought develops over time and how to help yourself or others successfully overcome it.' -the review from Amazon where you can order the Kindle edition.
   Randi Jensen, former director of Washington state Soldiers Project and CEO of her own corporation against suicide is currently writing her next book; "How to talk to Kids about Suicide."    You can recognize her by her purple streak in her silver hair that matches her 2 purple Hurrycanes she uses for walking stablization. She is another 'HERO' who is passionately working against needless suicides.

              HEALING HERO 

    The MTHFR gene abnormality ('SNIP') causes the brain to stop producing serotonin which leads to depression and also blocks other important metabolic processes.
     Dr. Ben Lynch, ND, (naturopathic physician) who has that snip is studying treatment using methyl-folic acid (vitamin B 9). The MTHFR snip is common in folks with European back grounds which is about 40% of the US population (but not with African origins) . His intense work is way above 'my pay grade'. But you can get your gene profile done                          and then take it to an educated Naturopathic Doctor for guidance as there are other snips which can also interfer with wellness.
    Lynch's kids have that MTHFR snip. So he has taken on solving the effects of MTHFR and other snips to eliminate all health effects for future children. Lynch is another Medical Warrior!

   MEDICAL           WARRIOR

"STAND" by the USAF Max Impact stage band, 14 September 2015, for the USAF Honor Guard, written by TSGT Matt Geist.
                                                                                          (from  library)

                   email  <>     Cell: 206-842-5999  PST     Fax: (on request)        

                             USPS mail:  10355 N E VALLLEY RD #4716  ROLLINGBAY, WA 98061        

                                                      alternative  land line (messages):206-780-7788  PST                            

   LEGAL NOTICE: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information you will receive from this educational research web site is for informational purposes only, under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. We always recommend when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted. The statements contained on my sites and my copyrighted training videos have not been evaluated by the FDA, the VA, nor the DoD. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease but have been found to be useful for health improvement and pain reduction for my dog and my body .

    WEAPONS CONTROL:      Remove and secure all weapons before starting any treatment!          

Operation Firehawk can not be held responsible for damages or unfavorable outcomes from use of these treatment protocols nor from unsecured weapons.                                                           

    COPYRIGHTS:  All authors, research scientists, and educational doctors retain all copyright to their original, un-edited by me, (except for enlargement of font size) materials. Their web sites are listed for more in depth learning. Their textbooks are here so you can get their complete resources. Forgive me if I have, innocently misinterpreted  any of their wisdom. These pioneers have been leading the search for solutions to health problems that have evaded 'standard of care' guidelines that have been leaving patients in pain or dead from suicide or drug mishaps.          

      FINANCIAL  REMUNERATION: (OF) receives no financial support from any listed or unlisted source. Nor does OF get any financial payment from any of the vendors on this site. I own and use the recommended supplies and have 'screened' them for effectiveness. I have tested them on my dog's hip dysplasia and my disc disease and found them to be able to stop the pain. OF is a not- for-profit educational, research, and training unit for Special Operations Medical Operatives and all other combat health professionals (RNs, PAs, combat corpsmen,  Marine Gunnys, DCs, PTs, LMTs, EMTs and first responders). "Re-train->Rescue-> Research->Re-store"         

      HISTORY: OF is the result of 39 years of working with traumatized patients for whom standard medical school teachings, residency training in ACOG's board certification process, 2 fellowships in Special Pelvic Surgery and Gyn-Urology provided no help for their pain. Healing solutions were finally found in the manual therapy, cellular biology, quantum physics, mitichondrial medicine  and the  Chinese and European electro-biology  communities.        

      The treatment of trauma is evolving. As we learn more bio-physics techniques, more solutions will    become available.                                                                             copyrighted: 28 June 2016                         

      The covid19 protocls were added September 2020 as we had some case reports        13 September 2020 

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